The pedagogy of the Hermaphrodite

The pedagogy of the Hermaphrodite

The pedagogy of the Hermaphrodite 1200 671 Damiano Fina

“The Pedagogy of the Hermaphrodite” is the first of four considerations on alchemy that I presented in the course I taught at Erica Poli’s EFP Academy in Milan. Alchemy urges us to consider the Coniunctio Oppositorum, the union of opposites, in a single form, symbolized by Hermaphroditus, the offspring of Hermes and Aphrodite. Fulfillment requires each of us to learn to blend our lights and shadows, to dance between the pauses and notes of experience, to courageously seek a balance between good and evil. Watch the excerpt of my lecture “Dance, Alchemy and Philosophy” at Erica Poli’s EFP Academy.


Damiano Fina

Performer, philosopher and lecturer, Damiano Fina promotes the exercise of contemplation to explore the eternal through philosophical thought and the art of dance.

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