performance art

Arte Relazionale per Bourriaud | Artisti e fruitori sono semionauti

Relational Art for Bourriaud | Artists and users are semi-drivers

Relational Art for Bourriaud | Artists and users are semi-drivers 1200 800 Damiano Fina
For Bourriaud, the relational art of the 1990s creates social interstices, that is, spaces of relationship that suggest possibilities for exchange. Since the 1990s, works of art have increasingly seemed to be moments of an infinite and complex chain of relationships… read more

Performance Art: rite and catharsis

Performance Art: rite and catharsis 638 382 Damiano Fina
What is the relationship between performance art, ritual and catharsis? For body art artists, violence on the tormented body of the artist is never an end in itself. In this article we will name the main artists who have treated their bodies as a ritual space to be investigated through bloody actions, which still involve the public with particular emotional intensity. read more

Allan Kaprow Happening, according to Susan Sontag

Allan Kaprow Happening, according to Susan Sontag 1200 800 Damiano Fina
In 1959, Allan Kaprow involved the spectators with his 18 Happenings in 6 Parts. The audience receives precise instructions directly from the artist… read more

Performance Art in the Fifties: a short guide

Performance Art in the Fifties: a short guide 1200 800 Damiano Fina
During the 20th century, Performance Art acquired an identity within the history of art. Here is a guide to Performance Art in the 1950s. read more

Brief history of Performance Art in the 20th century

Brief history of Performance Art in the 20th century 1200 800 Damiano Fina
RoseLee Goldberg brings the history of Performance Art in the 20th century back to the experiments of Futurism, Constructivism, Dada, Bauhaus and Surrealism. read more

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