Butoh Dance Performance


“So dull and dark are the November days. The lazy mist high up the evening curled, And now the morn quite hides in smoke and haze; The place we occupy seems all the world.” (John Clare, November)

November is a butoh dance performance by Damiano Fina and violist Marie Takahashi presented for the first time in Berlin and Fabrik Potsdam in August 2019. This project celebrates the interest in devotion and spirituality between East and West. In the performance one can appreciate the sensibility of Japanese violist Takahashi, who uses a traditional European instrument, with the dance of Italian performer Fina, who brings with her the tradition of the Japanese avant-garde.


Choreographer and performer: Damiano Fina
Music: Marie Takahashi
Location: Frabrik Potsdam and Berlin

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